


Release: 4/25/24

  • New fine-tuning stack
    : Fine-tune on Predibase with up to 10x speedups and improvements in model quality
  • Llama-3
    : All Llama-3 variants are now available for Inference & Fine-Tuning
  • Adapters as a first-class citizen
    : Models have been renamed to Adapters with a new emphasis on adapter-based fine-tuning. Users have the ability to see old model configs as needed.
  • New Python SDK:
    We’re releasing a more consistent and robust SDK for our users to interface with Predibase
Training Time (minutes)
  • Docs: Add instruction template section under Fine-tuning > Instruct Formats
  • Docs: Added new Quickstart and End-to-End Example
  • Training: Allow using model's full context length by default for fine-tuning
  • Poll Adapter Status in background while training
  • Batch size tuning when gradient checkpointing is enabled
  • Hide loss column in adapter repos
  • Disable mixed-precision training to eliminate OOMs
  • Fixed hanging behavior while using generate_stream endpoint